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Friday, December 21, 2012

God Needs a Man

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People: Part 3

“By faith Noah…condemned the world”
Hebrews 11:7

Whenever I get to this point of the conversation I make the bold statement that, “God can’t do anything on earth without man’s co-operation!”  This is followed by silence, anger, and children’s bible stories.  It’s as if every story ever told with a felt board in Sunday School class comes gushing to memory of whomever I’m talking with.

So go ahead, take a minute and try to remember every Bible story you have ever read…
Now which story can you recall where God did not use a man?

I know, right?!  There are none.  God always used the actions or words of a physical man.   For every event from the time of Adam to Jesus and beyond, God has told a man to do something, and through that “something”, God moves.  God always uses a physical being on earth to speak to something, or raise a staff.  If He wants to curse a fig tree, separate the Red Sea, or destroy a city, he needs a man.


Because only a man has the authority and dominion over the earth.  God cannot intervene without our permission and co-operation because he said it, and God doesn’t break his word.

Well, what about the Flood, Josh?  God didn’t need a man to bring the Flood on Earth!

Actually he did! The author of Hebrews expressed this revelation in Heb 11:7.  Not only did the Flood require faith to manifest, but he said that Noah (not God) condemned the earth.  He could not act without a man.

How about for God to save the freaking world?...  He needed a man.  (Granted, a perfect man, but a man nonetheless.)

Are you saying that the creator of the universe is somehow unable to have his complete and perfect will on the earth?

Well, you either have to swallow that pill, or turn on the news and accept it as God’s best.   I’m not seeing an option C here.



  1. I'm not understanding how God cannot (or doesn't) intervene without our permission if no one obeys Him or even seeks Him out in the first place. I would think there has to be intervention somewhere along the line.

    Even in the case of Noah, God intervened.

    1. ...or are you saying that God works on individuals (such as Noah) in order to get permission to do something on the earth?

    2. I'm sorry I'm just now getting back you on this. My wife and I had a baby at the end of December and honestly I forgot to respond...
      Yes, to the second part. I believe that God can only release power on earth through a man. I also believe this was one major function of the Jews. Prior to the nation of Israel God had to find individuals to agree with him and speak/act on his behalf. With Israel he established a structure that allowed Him to manifest himself on earth in a better way.
      So if God approached Noah and Noah said no then He would have had to find someone else.
