Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good
People: Part 4
doctrine warps our view of God. It makes
him seem like a cold being that sits on a throne indifferent to the problems of
earth. After all, how can God really
feel our pain if He is the one who caused it – right?
Sovereign God kills babies, rapes little boys, murders people in mass, elevates
radical dictators and everything in between all for his mysterious and glorious purpose.
If you truly believe in a view of Sovereignty you need to be consistent
and go all the way over to Calvinism - Reformed Theology. Most people want to have their cake and eat
it too on this topic; they want a completely “Sovereign God” that somehow
allows for some form of free will. The
only way that can make sense is…well, to just not think about it.
I think the
reason people get so upset about my challenging this doctrine is that they feel:
1. It diminishes God. 2. They already believe something else and
change is difficult. 3. They belong to a group that believes in
Does it
really? Think about that one. Just because Sovereignty sounds like a big
and glorious term to describe God, I don’t believe it does. I believe God created an entire realm for us
and gave us the keys. We locked
ourselves in and unleashed some bad stuff.
I think God spent 2,000 years desperately trying to get back in to save
his kids; and He did it. That is pretty
glorious to me.
Change can
always be difficult. I would much rather
go through life pursuing what is truth rather than what is common place. Just because my doctrine requires change,
don’t let your flesh dismiss it.
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