The Bible is not the Word of God: Part 4
There are 11 canons in accepted church history excluding any Gnostic canons.
Once you have isolated a canon, next you must determine a translation or Greek source text, since there are many. Though my Father-in-law may disapprove let’s use the KJV for the sake of conversation. Here are just a few issues.
1. What is the order of creation?
Gen 1:
vs.11 - Plants, vs. 20-25 - Sea and Land animals, vs. 26-27 - Man
Gen 2:
Vs. 7 - Man, vs. 8-9 - the Garden (plants & trees), vs. 19. - Animals
2. Who motivated David to disobey God and take the census of Israel?
2 Samuel 24:1 - God
1 Chronicles 21:1 - Satan
3. Joshua 10:13 – The sun stood still.
When did it start moving?
This is about showing error not interpretation. I understand they perceived it as standing still, however the literal text is incomplete therefore not inerrant or absolute by definition.
4. In the genealogies recorded in Mathew 1:6 and Luke 3:31 which son
of David continues the lineage of Jesus' apparent father Joseph?
Mathew 1:6 – Solomon
Luke 3:31 – Nathan
In Mathew, Solomon fathers an entire lineage not found in Luke until Salathiel.
Luke says Salathiel’s father was Neri, Mathew says it was Jechonias which agrees with variant spelling of Jeconiah in 1 Chronicles 3:17. Then the lineage deviates again at Zorobabel.
There are multiple other discrepancies in the genealogies of Luke, Mathew, and Genesis.
For example Cainan is not mentioned in Gen 11:12, or Mathew as the son of Arphaxad.
In Genesis 11:12, Arphaxad lived thirty-five years, and begat Salah
However Luke inserts Cainan between Arphaxad and Sala in 3:35-36.
Some say, “The Holy Spirit will never disagree with scripture?” Unfortunately, that is just an ignorant statement of Bible Worship. The only text ever written by the hand of God was done on Mount Sinai with Moses.
If He was overly concerned with us having a perfect text then why didn’t He have Jesus write it? I believe the reason Jesus did not write a known word is that he was focused on establishing our perfect reconciled relationship with the Father. If a person is connected to the source of all truth they don’t need a book.

Once you have isolated a canon, next you must determine a translation or Greek source text, since there are many. Though my Father-in-law may disapprove let’s use the KJV for the sake of conversation. Here are just a few issues.
1. What is the order of creation?
Gen 1:
vs.11 - Plants, vs. 20-25 - Sea and Land animals, vs. 26-27 - Man
Gen 2:
Vs. 7 - Man, vs. 8-9 - the Garden (plants & trees), vs. 19. - Animals
2. Who motivated David to disobey God and take the census of Israel?
2 Samuel 24:1 - God
1 Chronicles 21:1 - Satan
3. Joshua 10:13 – The sun stood still.
When did it start moving?
This is about showing error not interpretation. I understand they perceived it as standing still, however the literal text is incomplete therefore not inerrant or absolute by definition.
4. In the genealogies recorded in Mathew 1:6 and Luke 3:31 which son
of David continues the lineage of Jesus' apparent father Joseph?
Mathew 1:6 – Solomon
Luke 3:31 – Nathan
In Mathew, Solomon fathers an entire lineage not found in Luke until Salathiel.
Luke says Salathiel’s father was Neri, Mathew says it was Jechonias which agrees with variant spelling of Jeconiah in 1 Chronicles 3:17. Then the lineage deviates again at Zorobabel.
There are multiple other discrepancies in the genealogies of Luke, Mathew, and Genesis.
For example Cainan is not mentioned in Gen 11:12, or Mathew as the son of Arphaxad.
In Genesis 11:12, Arphaxad lived thirty-five years, and begat Salah
However Luke inserts Cainan between Arphaxad and Sala in 3:35-36.
Some say, “The Holy Spirit will never disagree with scripture?” Unfortunately, that is just an ignorant statement of Bible Worship. The only text ever written by the hand of God was done on Mount Sinai with Moses.
If He was overly concerned with us having a perfect text then why didn’t He have Jesus write it? I believe the reason Jesus did not write a known word is that he was focused on establishing our perfect reconciled relationship with the Father. If a person is connected to the source of all truth they don’t need a book.
WOW... I'm loving the KOO. :D