When the church picks this hill to die on against “the gays” all that it does is isolate a particular sin they dislike and make sure they (the gays) are aware it is sin… Give me a break. Do we honestly think they somehow missed that message? The reason they perceive the church as their enemy is because the church has made themselves their enemy. They feel hated because they have been hated. So Satan uses this intolerance to blockade them from their only source of freedom; the life in body of Christ. To preach intolerance is to isolate starving people from their only nourishment.
I "tolerate" all sin and all sinners. I’m not trying to get sin out of people’s life I’m trying to get Jesus in. A person has no hope of changing their heart without the source of life inside them. As “the church” speaks against tolerance and the “Gay Agenda” it may simply be stating that fact that God did not create perversion and that homosexuality is contrary to perfection; and I would agree. But what the world hears is “don’t accept them they are the enemy.”
Is homosexuality Godly or good? No, it is perversion and against perfection, but so is anything that is not the perfection of Christ. Anything used against its created purpose is perversion. Such as food and obesity. Should we be intolerant of that as well? Yes, if you are consistent in your intolerance.
In fact you should use the law and go on a campaign to show “the fats” the error of their ways. You should hold up the warning signs for them as well. They are going down a road of destruction. And you should do it with the exact same passion for intolerance that you burn with toward the gays. Instead we allow them to preach in our churches. They stand in the presence of the assembly openly obese and we tolerate it. Hypocrites.
Just had a discussion about this very thing with my daughter. Sad to admit, but your perspective is correct. Sin is sin but we do prefer preaching against homosexuality over obesity and here's another good one...GOSSIP! We destroy ourselves with obesity - we destroy others with our tongue! Found your blog via your buddy Adam. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading.
ReplyDeleteSo...I agree. But now that we have pointed out the sins of others...if we "cast out" all of the "hypocrites" then who will be left to preach/teach. In some way or another we are all hypocrites!!
ReplyDeleteObese people, divorced (even mulitple times)people, gossips, the list goes on and on.
For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God!
With that said, who do you think should be allowed to preach and teach gods word or on the other hand should anyone "called" be allowed to preach despite their habits and addictions, aka Sin...hmmm...
There is so much to this subject and am glad that you are openly dicussing it!
A hypocrite is not someone who is imperfect it is someone who is intolerant of imperfection.
ReplyDeleteJust so we are clear. I am not promoting gay preachers. I was just trying to show the extent of hypocrisy.
There is power in the gospel to overcome habits and addictions. And as we manifest the fruit of sin in our body there is the mechanism of confession amongst the body to forgive (remove) sin.
The problem is people who accept their sin as "who they are" and don't desire change. That is not the sign of christian maturity. The immature should not be teachers.
I am actually working on some teachings about these topics. Stay with me.
Although do you not feel that people "except" their sin all of the time?! The whole sawdust/plank in the eye theology.
ReplyDeleteOn the topic of not allowing gays to preach. Why is being gay the OH NO sin. I have heard obese preachers use the same excuse "I was born this way" and it is ok for them to serve.? Is sin really sin or are there degrees of sins, in which homosexuality is the absolute worst sin and the "normal everyday sins" are not-so-bad...
My heart longs for a church that celebrates the life of Jesus...maybe I am too overly LOVE...but of FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE...the greatest of these is LOVE.
I will stayed tuned on your teachings...
I forgot to ask...what did Jesus say about homosexuality?
ReplyDeleteIf by "except" you mean excuse then no I don't feel that people do that all the time. I don't excuse my sin I remove it. It's just fruit. But if you don't remove it it has seed within itself that will just keep planting in your heart. This will turn from a plant to a crop.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts on this are more than I can write in this comment box.
However, in a nut shell:
"Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love [is] the fulfilling of the law."
Love is a fruit from seed in your spirit. It gets planted and is trying to grow from a persons heart. It changes the desire in a persons heart and when love is manifest it is fullfilling the law perfectly; by the desire of your new (born again)nature and not the will of the flesh.
Sin is a being that plants seed in the heart as well. As this seed manifests as fruit we call those actions "sins."
So the question is not should a person who "sins" preach. Obviously, until we have our glorified bodies and have been perfected in our soul (the final redemption)we will always have a mixed crop in our flesh.
However, to the degree that we use spiritual agriculture to manifest love, love will dominate and choke out sin. Not for the pupose of pleasing God but to be more effective for the purpose our Lord during this age of grace.
So if a person has the constant fruit of sin, and they have enough revelation to know this fruit shouldn't be there, yet they never deal with it but instead ignore it. Why would you want them to teach you. lol
Not only do they lack revelation to reveal the true gospel of grace (power) and reconciliation to others. They also lack love. Love would fulfill the law in their flesh. That sin fruit could be anything that is not perfection.
You can check this out as well. Even though I wrote this in context of faith. Jesus also talked about it representing the kingdom in general. I believe this is how all the fruit of the spirit works:
"My heart longs for a church that celebrates the life of Jesus."
ReplyDeleteso does mine!
If a person is in christ they rest in his righteousnes. You enjoy the perfect pleasure of God because of nothing other than Jesus. Jesus acquired the position and you (imperfect as you are) experience the Father as perfect.
ReplyDeleteAnd all gods people said....
great! ...... Two men are in Christ. They go to church on Sunday morning with their wives and kids. That afternoon they meet up to have gay sex. While they are in the act of having this sex they remain in the perfect pleasure of the Father because they are in Christ.
Oh no.....brother....no. the bible says......
So either we must perform well to obtain and maintain our rightstanding with God (every religion in the world) or we have received the gift of righteous through christ alone.
That is the starting point of this conversation. What is grace? What is the good news? Why did God give a law of death and condemnation designed to empower sin to the jews? ...and then have jesus remove every jot and tittle?
Once an understanding of the true gospel is in place a discussion about sin can be had. Most Christians start with sin management therefore never really see the good news. They think they're a bunch of jews under a law. God doesn't care if you're fat. God doesn't care where you put your weiner.
People care about that stuff so we try to get other people to act the way we like them to act with bible verses and fear.