Does God make people gay? No, but what you are when you come out of the womb is not simply the creation of God. If it were then we would have to explain deformities and handicaps as the sovereign creation of God. I wholeheartedly reject the common understanding of God’s Sovereignty. (but that is another teaching) God forms corrupted flesh with Adam’s dead nature toward His best plan. That is not to say that what God has formed will respond to the corrupted world well.
The question for me is not why people are gay but rather, why aren’t you? In the end it is because it’s not in your heart. Every action you perform is based on the desire of your heart; everything from hugging your child to punching someone in the face. The desire of your heart will constantly dialog with your logic to produce physical action. It is why we overeat, get out of bed in the morning, or go to the gym. Either your logic will convince your heart toward or against an action, your heart will convince your logic, or they will agree. In the end it is often the heart that will produce action in your body. Passion and desire in the heart will corrupt logic and dominate it more often than not.
Those who don't act out in homosexuality have no (or not enough) desire creating action in them toward that particular sin. Why? Nurture: maybe you never had a homosexual experience release Dopamine in your body creating the desire to repeat the action. Maybe there have been enough external motivators to prevent your heart’s desire from manifesting.
Nature: the same reason you naturally gravitate toward things like music or sports. I never had to train my son to draw; Caleb just sees a piece of paper and follows the desire in his heart to create art. Why are people drawn by the desire of their heart to sin?
Because we were born that way.
Homosexuality is no better or worse than heterosexual perversion. Anything that is not the perfection of God's created purpose is perversion. We were all born with the singular desire for self gratification and sin because of Adam not God. What's wrong with stating that a person is born sinful, perverted, or even gay? Isn’t that why we must be born again?
good explanation of your previous post.
ReplyDeleteHey man, you called me at work so I couldn't take it. Then I forgot to call you back. I'm getting my phone right now.
ReplyDeleteBTW, thanks.