Sexuality is only the gratification of flesh not soul for those who aren’t born again. To truly make love and allow sexuality to be the expression of Godly desire in the heart one must be born again and have the fruit of love in their soul to manifest in Godly sex. Sex in the soulish and spiritual sense becomes a work of faith and spiritual fruit. Only after one is born again can a person experience godly sexuality. Any form of sex that is not this Godly sexual fruit is carnal (even if you are married). We are not intrinsically motivated toward Godly sex at birth. We are motivated toward perversion and self.
Am I saying that God made people gay? No, I’m saying every human is born evil. Depending on your nature and nurture that evil and carnal selfishness will manifest itself in a variety of ways. Why do some boys like music and others like baseball? Did God make them that way? To some degree yes, but it is more about an inclination rather than a specific desire. God does not put desire in a baby he establishes an ego-structure (internal wiring) in a corrupt human.
It would seem that some people are more prone to different sins than others. If I look at the difference between siblings this is clear. Two siblings can have a relatively similar, possibly controlling, nurture experience but respond very differently. Some might disobey their parents by hiding, manipulating, and lying. Wanting to be perceived as good while doing the things they truly want to do.
In my life I rebelled to my parents face. I fought and disobeyed openly. Why? Because, it is who I am. I was formed differently in the womb than my sisters, and my genes combined in ways that were unique. Did God make me rebellious? No, he may have made me strong willed and confrontational for the good purpose of my calling but through the perversion of life, flesh, and the world I gravitated toward rebellion.
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