Drumming Out the Gays: Part 1
"Are People Born Gay"
The basic position of the evangelical church is that no one is born gay. Homosexuals are created heterosexual by God and then over the course of their life they desire then choose the same sex.
The first problem with this statement is the assumption that God made them heterosexual. The fact remains that people are born of the nature of Adam. Use the example of a two year old; humans are born selfish and carnal. We are born with no life in our spirit and no inherent Godly desires just propensity to gratify self. Any Godly desire that forms in a child is developed through nurture. Through the Jews and Christianity, God injected a corrupt humanity with His effectual kingdom.
I believe God forms a child in the womb with the intention of what role they would fulfill in His kingdom. Until the time comes when that child is born again (and even beyond that point of regeneration) the child’s flesh living in the world is in a constant state of corrupting that child’s heart.
Gen 6:1
“And GOD saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually.”
Gen 8:21
“I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart [is] evil from his youth;”
Prov. 4:23
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the issues of life.”
Jeremiah 17:9
“The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?’
For the unregenerate the issues of life flow from their continually evil and desperately wicked heart; from the point in their life were they are self aware until they have the capacity to change that heart.
"Are People Born Gay"
The basic position of the evangelical church is that no one is born gay. Homosexuals are created heterosexual by God and then over the course of their life they desire then choose the same sex.
The first problem with this statement is the assumption that God made them heterosexual. The fact remains that people are born of the nature of Adam. Use the example of a two year old; humans are born selfish and carnal. We are born with no life in our spirit and no inherent Godly desires just propensity to gratify self. Any Godly desire that forms in a child is developed through nurture. Through the Jews and Christianity, God injected a corrupt humanity with His effectual kingdom.
I believe God forms a child in the womb with the intention of what role they would fulfill in His kingdom. Until the time comes when that child is born again (and even beyond that point of regeneration) the child’s flesh living in the world is in a constant state of corrupting that child’s heart.
Gen 6:1
“And GOD saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually.”
Gen 8:21
“I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart [is] evil from his youth;”
Prov. 4:23
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the issues of life.”
Jeremiah 17:9
“The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?’
For the unregenerate the issues of life flow from their continually evil and desperately wicked heart; from the point in their life were they are self aware until they have the capacity to change that heart.
are you saying that because we are born with the propensity to do whatever we desire, and not what God desires, than if gay people are born anything then they are definitely born gay?
ReplyDeletecause if you are then i think i might agree with you.
or at least born with the seed of sexual confusion/wandering?
ReplyDeleteI've got 4 more posts on this topic. To some extent yes I am saying that. It's more like I'm saying God wired you a certain way. When his nature flows through it, it is good and accomplishes his purpose for its' design. When Adam's dead/sin nature flows through it is some version of evil. Sometimes that version is, rage, legalism, rebellion, or gay.