As sin would inevitably manifest in the flesh of the Jews it required atonement. This was a dispensation of judgment. Whenever preachers talk about God judging sin, and that God is a holy God and can’t be in the presence of sin. Though that is not exactly true during this dispensation of the law it was truer than ever. God was at war with sin through the Jews.
Prior to the law God fellowshipped with sinful people. Abraham did things that were against the law and never repented, but God called him His friend. Cain killed his brother and God still spoke with him and protected him. Sin is not imputed where there is no law. But when there is law, it is imputed. That is to say God holds it against you until it is removed.
God even gave them the mechanism to deal with sin when it did manifest; the shedding of blood. If a person lived a perfect life but at one point did let sin manifest in their body; all they had to do was shed their own blood in order to remove that sin. Once their blood was completely shed the sin would be considered removed and God could interact with their flesh again without judgment.
However, that would also kill the person. So, God instituted a sacrificial system. The Jews were given the ability to transfer their sin into the body of an animal. Once the sin was put into the animal it was removed from the person, but it still had to be dealt with. It required atonement or a balancing of the equation. Once it was in the animal you could shed the animal’s blood to bring death to that sin fruit. Once the blood was shed the person was again in right standing with the Father.
Sheep and goats could never deal with the being of sin only his fruit.
Heb 9:22 - “without shedding of blood there is no remission (release from bondage) of sin.”
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