Why I Reject the Trinity Part: 1
“Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view.” Obi-Wan Kenobi
There are many things to discuss in this teaching. First and foremost is lens.
Everyone one of us has a lens that we use to read the Bible and ancient text. Whenever two people talk about theology the conversation is rarely about the scriptural data it is about the lens we use to interpret that data. Things that Trinitarians believe are crystal clear, from my perspective, are not. Even if the decision regarding the Triune Jesus hinged on who could provide the longest list of ”irrefutable” verses we would not have an answer, we would only have a list and rhetoric.
The same is true for Liberals and Neo-Cons. They both look at the exact same data and draw two different conclusions. It is all lens.
The exclusive Trinitarian divinity of Jesus is a lens that most were raised with. These people never had a reason to reject it so it was never challenged. Now they read the Bible and see Trinity everywhere. We read Hebrew text, written by people who might stone you for Polytheism, and see plurality, therefore Trinity. It seems that most Trinitarians goal is to proof their theology with scripture. Rarely is the objective an unbiased pursuit of truth but rather a proof-texting for Trinitarianism. Believing this is the goal of most people, mine is now to disprove those proofs, offer a more cohesive lens, and explain my motivations for the non Trinitarian Jesus.
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