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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Raise the Dead

 Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People: Part 5

The Sovereignty myth not only affects the way we view God, but it also affects how we function as his body. 

We believe God “can heal” if he really wants to, then spend our time on prayer chains or whatever other waste of time church practice.  We try to twist God’s arm into taking action on the earth.  We organize meetings to call down heaven, as if our numbers or desperation would move God’s heart.

Don’t lie – you’ve done it.  It makes sense.  Clearly if God can do anything and He currently isn’t doing what we know is good, then we must really “press in” and change His heart until He concedes that this particular healing, revival, or whatever is worthy of His power.  Right?

We would never word it that way in church, but isn’t that what’s really happening?
If there is a sick person in front of you, and you prayed an “if it be thy will” prayer, but they are still sick, then…well, it must be God’s will.  

Remember that New Testament verse where Jesus said, “Go to a sick person and ask me to heal them”?  Me neither.  It sounded more like, “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils” almost like men had authority.  That Jesus, always talking crazy…

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