Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People: Part 2

People who try to argue for Sovereignty will pull out all kinds of verses from the Bible. There is a time and place to really dig in and “discuss” bible verses, but let me ask one simple question: To whom did God give dominion over the earth?
It would seem significant to me that God first created a world that was formless, void, dark, and chaotic. He then begins to create things to bring order to the chaos. He creates light to subdue darkness, and he creates space to separate the chaotic waters. God brings the entire creation (which was by nature chaos) into submission, and then hands it over to Adam. He told Adam to “have dominion” and to “subdue the earth.” I’m not sure how He could have been clearer.
So if you are going to walk into the room, look at all the problems, then ask, “Who is in charge here?” God is just going to look over at Adam and say, “Do you want to take this one?”
Come on, Josh! God made all of this, so obviously He is in control.
…Let’s talk about that.
If you’re saying that God “owns” the world because he created it, and that he has the power to destroy it whenever He sees fit, then yes! I would agree 100%.
If you are trying to say that God can intervene into a realm where He has freely given dominion to someone else, then we have some problems.
If you’re saying that God “owns” the world because he created it, and that he has the power to destroy it whenever He sees fit, then yes! I would agree 100%.
If you are trying to say that God can intervene into a realm where He has freely given dominion to someone else, then we have some problems.
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