When the church picks this hill to die on against “the gays” all that it does is isolate a particular sin they dislike and make sure they (the gays) are aware it is sin… Give me a break. Do we honestly think they somehow missed that message? The reason they perceive the church as their enemy is because the church has made themselves their enemy. They feel hated because they have been hated. So Satan uses this intolerance to blockade them from their only source of freedom; the life in body of Christ. To preach intolerance is to isolate starving people from their only nourishment.
I "tolerate" all sin and all sinners. I’m not trying to get sin out of people’s life I’m trying to get Jesus in. A person has no hope of changing their heart without the source of life inside them. As “the church” speaks against tolerance and the “Gay Agenda” it may simply be stating that fact that God did not create perversion and that homosexuality is contrary to perfection; and I would agree. But what the world hears is “don’t accept them they are the enemy.”
Is homosexuality Godly or good? No, it is perversion and against perfection, but so is anything that is not the perfection of Christ. Anything used against its created purpose is perversion. Such as food and obesity. Should we be intolerant of that as well? Yes, if you are consistent in your intolerance.
In fact you should use the law and go on a campaign to show “the fats” the error of their ways. You should hold up the warning signs for them as well. They are going down a road of destruction. And you should do it with the exact same passion for intolerance that you burn with toward the gays. Instead we allow them to preach in our churches. They stand in the presence of the assembly openly obese and we tolerate it. Hypocrites.