Why I Reject the Trinity Part: 3
“Let us make man in our image”
“The trinity doctrine, admitted by the Catholic Encyclopedia as unsupportable by either the Old Testament or New Testament, but only through "Christological speculation" severely corrupts the truth of the scriptures. Elohim, used 2,570 times throughout the scriptures refers to a plural family unit in the process of expanding. God considers individuals with His Spirit to be part of the Godhead already, in unity of purpose and ultimately in composition. Like the term "United States of America," considered as one unit or institution, the family of God or the kingdom of God is a singular unit ' consisting of many family members growing into the fullness of God.”
The Nature of God: Elohim, the God Family
John W. Ritenbaugh
This is my basic belief as well. As you read through the Bible you will find scriptures that speak of Him plural and singular. We perceive him talking to “himself” for instance regarding the tower of Babel, as if He needed the consultation.
Gen 11:7-8
“Come, let us go down there and confuse their language”
Maybe these are symbolisms to show the communion within a Trinity. Better yet, maybe they are anthropomorphisms for our inadequate human minds to try to understand God. Or, maybe He (Jehovah) is genuinely having discourse among the Elohim.
What would common sense tell us?
A. That the triune God in perfect communion and agreement within himself stops to have a chat with himself in order to tell himself, “let’s go down there.”
B. That a hierarchy of heavenly beings, the Elohim, talk with Yahweh and each other as different persons with different points of view and different levels of knowledge.
“Let us make man in our image”
“The trinity doctrine, admitted by the Catholic Encyclopedia as unsupportable by either the Old Testament or New Testament, but only through "Christological speculation" severely corrupts the truth of the scriptures. Elohim, used 2,570 times throughout the scriptures refers to a plural family unit in the process of expanding. God considers individuals with His Spirit to be part of the Godhead already, in unity of purpose and ultimately in composition. Like the term "United States of America," considered as one unit or institution, the family of God or the kingdom of God is a singular unit ' consisting of many family members growing into the fullness of God.”
The Nature of God: Elohim, the God Family
John W. Ritenbaugh
This is my basic belief as well. As you read through the Bible you will find scriptures that speak of Him plural and singular. We perceive him talking to “himself” for instance regarding the tower of Babel, as if He needed the consultation.
Gen 11:7-8
“Come, let us go down there and confuse their language”
Maybe these are symbolisms to show the communion within a Trinity. Better yet, maybe they are anthropomorphisms for our inadequate human minds to try to understand God. Or, maybe He (Jehovah) is genuinely having discourse among the Elohim.
What would common sense tell us?
A. That the triune God in perfect communion and agreement within himself stops to have a chat with himself in order to tell himself, “let’s go down there.”
B. That a hierarchy of heavenly beings, the Elohim, talk with Yahweh and each other as different persons with different points of view and different levels of knowledge.
In a reference to the tower of Babel event found in Gen 11:8, some claim that because Jehovah is named as the one who scattered that he must have worked alone and therefore he is singular (Jehovah) and plural (Elohim) at the same time. Let’s consider that logic; for example in Gen 14:8 it talks about five kings that join battle in the vale of Siddim. Should we assume by this logic that five lone men joined in a war or that they brought their armies to fight? If the king of Sodom were to say “let us fight” would we assume that he was a plural yet singular being or that he had people with him?
In the family version of Elohim it allows for all things that come forth from Elohim to be “of God” yet not the very creator being “God” himself. Let’s be more specific. I believe the term God is misleading; since we see that we, humans, are also “god” (Elohim).
Psalm 82:6
"I said you are gods (Elohim), and all of you are sons of the Most High"