I get in many conversations with people about Grace, God-Righteousness, Works, the Purpose of the Law, and how Jesus ended it. Many debates and long conversations over coffee have helped many and alienated others.
I’m ok with that. If I have expressed the truth and a person understands what I’ve said and rejects it, I have no control over that. However, I will keep explaining and talking until I’m sure you at least understand.
If I plant the seed of the gospel and a person doesn’t understand what I’ve said the enemy can steal that word. (Mathew 13:19) Understanding is what allows the seed to take root.
Having said that, I can’t exhaustively cover everything I want to talk about. There are things I will mention, sometimes only for a paragraph sometimes for two sections, that may be contrary to your beliefs. My purpose here is not to explain every detail of my theology it is to explain my lens.
I may say something that you initially disagree with because of what you have been taught. If that happens I encourage you to keep moving with me. Don’t let that be your hang-up. You may not agree with me right away but hopefully by the end you will see the benefit of adopting my lens and the doctrines that come with it.
If you are a much disciplined person and good at being a Christian in your flesh you will find this teaching to be very difficult. The people that reject this the most are people who believe their actions are pleasing God and don’t need grace. Blind fools! Isaiah exposed your flesh:
“But we are all as unclean, and all our righteousnesses as menstruation rags;”
Jesus didn’t come to assist you in righteousness; he came to become your righteousness. If you don’t understand that then you don’t understand the gospel.
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