Everything that the Father did from the moment of the fall until Jesus, was the process of getting us back. To understand the reconciliation we have to understand how we were separated.
We are all very familiar with our flesh. From birth it is the only source of sensory knowledge we have. Everything we understand is filtered through our flesh and its’ pleasure is the primary focus of our lives. Basically when I say flesh I am referring to our 5 senses.
Our soul is what we use to understand this sensory knowledge that our flesh provides. We understand I’m hungry, cold, hot, ect. The soul is the inner part that makes us who we are. I view it as the place where our mind and heart dialog. The mind is our logic, it interprets the world and prepares a reaction based simply on the facts. It also relays the information to our heart.
The heart is our source for emotion. I view it as the most center part of a human. If information does not pass through your mind it will not reach your heart. And in order for your heart to respond and command your body to act it must convince your mind to tell your body to act.
But we were not always this way. Some of us today once again have the third part of our human nature alive and well…the spirit.
We are all very familiar with our flesh. From birth it is the only source of sensory knowledge we have. Everything we understand is filtered through our flesh and its’ pleasure is the primary focus of our lives. Basically when I say flesh I am referring to our 5 senses.
Our soul is what we use to understand this sensory knowledge that our flesh provides. We understand I’m hungry, cold, hot, ect. The soul is the inner part that makes us who we are. I view it as the place where our mind and heart dialog. The mind is our logic, it interprets the world and prepares a reaction based simply on the facts. It also relays the information to our heart.
The heart is our source for emotion. I view it as the most center part of a human. If information does not pass through your mind it will not reach your heart. And in order for your heart to respond and command your body to act it must convince your mind to tell your body to act.
But we were not always this way. Some of us today once again have the third part of our human nature alive and well…the spirit.
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