The Bible is not the Word of God Part 7
Though we only have fragments of the Gospel of the Hebrews it has some insightful things to say. We find a reference to Jesus speaking with the rich young ruler. It explains
why Jesus said what he did, while most preachers only speculate on the matter.
This particular Gospel was written by a Jew for the Jews. Most believe this Gospel was actually written by Jesus disciple Mathew. If so then this is the only gospel written by a person who actually walked with Jesus in the flesh.
Papias of Hierapolis, a second century bishop and author, states, "Matthew put together the oracles [of the Lord] in the Hebrew language, and each one interpreted them as best he could." In "Against Heresies" Irenaeus says, "Matthew also issued a written Gospel among the Hebrews in their own dialect while Peter and Paul were preaching at Rome and laying the foundations of the church."
The Gospel of Mathew was originally written in Greek not Hebrew or Aramaic. Also, Mathew is not a translation of the Hebrew Gospel because the fragments we do have are not found with the same content in the book of Mathew. I believe the Gospel of the Hebrews is the true Gospel written by the Apostle Mathew. The only portions of this text that we have are preserved through the writtings of second century saits as they quoted this Gospel.
One of my favorite verses is found in this Gospel, speaking of Jesus baptism. This verse is perfect word picture expressing my teaching on
The 3 Dispensations of the Holy Spirit:
"And it came to pass when the Lord was come up out of the water, the whole fount of the Holy Spirit descended upon him and rested on him and said to him: My son, in all the prophets was I waiting for you that you should come and I might rest in you. For you are my rest; you are my first begotten son that reigns forever.”The Gospel of the HebrewsThe Gospel of the Hebrews is quoted by Church Fathers: Jerome, Origen, Clement, Eusebius, Cyril of Jerusalem.
You can read the fragments here: me to clarify. I love the Bible. I use the Bible, and I am grateful that we have it. I have used it time and again to understand the truth that is in my spirit. In the same way the men of the past wrote the text that we have; if we are born again the word is in us and the Holy Spirit will guide us in ALL truth.
Text is a tool it is not the source. I hope changing people’s perspective of the Bible will increase the “relational” aspect of our relationship with the Lord and the Father through the Holy Spirit. I hope it will cause our hearts and minds to change their focus of a carnal book toward a spiritual person. Finally, I hope that removing some of the reverence for particular writings will give a person liberty to let the Holy Spirit guide instead of the men and canons of Church history or the modern day.